8 Randon Facts About Me!
I've been tagged by a friend named Liz!
Here is some life changing info about me...The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
8 Random Facts or Habits about me:
1. I like the smell of Skunk.
2. I once fed a skunk (by hand) french fries! Yes it was a wild one at my dad's deer lease.
3. Growing up I always wanted to be in the army like my dad so I could be dropped on a
deserted island and know how to live off the land.
4. I try to not let people know that I like to be a girlie girl once in awhile. Maybe I'm afraid that it will make me look like a wimp.
5. My sister once dared me to eat a fishing worm and I did.
6.After going hiking for several days in Colorado the thought of doing more than a day hike seriously causes me anxiety.
7. I like to be in control and do things my way, b/c it is the RIGHT way! I'm trying to learn that it is OK to not know what is going to happen next and to be able to rely on others.
8. My one true desire in life is to live for God and be in His will, not my own.
Now, tag you're it! Heather, Olivia, Kelly, Carrie, Leslie, Keri, Dawn, Christalee
I almost puked on #5!!
I just realized I listed you as the Davis family on my blog! Going to fix that now...lol...I love the hillbilly photos.
You SO crack me up!
Love, Kelly
you are gross and will do anything for a laugh.
thats why i love you!
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